Can You Work at Chipotle Again After Quitting

Chipotle fans aren't shy most sharing their love and devotion to the Tex-Mex concatenation. From the brand's commitment to upstanding and sustainable food to their willingness to wrap a quesadilla around a burrito, Chipotle has got customers hooked.

While Chipotle devotees may think they know all in that location is to know nigh the chain, its employees have tons of behind-the-scenes info about how your food is prepped, which carte du jour items are the most dangerous, and why showing up five minutes earlier closing makes things a whole lot harder on the staff. Before you hitting up Chipotle or any other fast food joint, brand certain to cull from one of these twenty Surprisingly Good for you Fast Nutrient Orders!

Chipotle guacamole

The extra charge for guacamole isn't just Chipotle'southward way of coming between you and your hard-earned cash. In fact, the person who makes said guacamole might just take the hardest job in the restaurant. Former Chipotle employee and Reddit user TheGuyWithAnUndercut says, "Those morning shifts smashing eight bowls of avocados used to impale my shoulders at the terminate of the day." Another employee says that every freshly-made batch of guacamole means someone is mashing upward to 140 avocados. Earlier you laissez passer on an guild with guac, read up on these 20 Salubrious Fats That Help Y'all Get Slim. (Yes, avocados are included.)

Cleaning kitchen

While Chipotle's cleanliness has been called into question because of E. coli and norovirus outbreaks associated with their food, former employees will adjure to the strict standards to which their stores are held when it comes to food prep.

"I worked at Chipotle for a few months, and our prep procedure made me want to eat the food even more," says Redditor now_stop_that.

Chipotle burrito

If Chipotle'due south infant-sized burritos aren't enough to continue you satisfied, you might want to make your own. Employees say that ordering a burrito bowl and a side of tortillas, which yous can ofttimes become for free, will give enough food for multiple meals. "THIS is Chipotle'south big surreptitious. Bowl + tortilla has like twice the nutrient of a burrito, and costs the same," says one employee. Grab a healthier fast food meal by memorizing The Healthiest Dish to Order at 20 Fast Food Chains!

Chipotle sign
Courtesy of Chipotle

If you lot think that steak or craven was processed in a constitute a thousand miles away, yous're mistaken. In fact, the very same person who bussed your tables or is washing dishes in the back could have been the aforementioned one to prepare your food. Chipotle employees are responsible for marinating, chopping, and cooking the meat themselves then information technology's hot and fresh past the time y'all're ready to social club.

Freezer door

While many fast food joints boast about serving fresh food, Chipotle takes their delivery to serving quality meat, veggies, and dairy products to the next level. Employees are eager to brag nearly the concatenation'due south lack of freezers, pregnant the food you lot're eating today hasn't been sitting around for weeks before making information technology to your plate.

Chipotle queso burrito

One of the biggest gripes from Chipotle employees? Customers who guild a burrito loaded with salsa, sour foam, and guacamole then feign surprise when it'southward not exactly a pretty sight. "Ordering a burrito full of mostly liquids doesn't mean a perfect ringlet every time," says one employee.

Cilantro leaves

If you've been trying to replicate Chipotle's famous cilantro lime rice at home to no avail, it'southward probably because yous're missing an ingredient. The citrus used to flavour Chipotle'south rice is actually a 50/50 mix of lemon juice and lime juice, co-ordinate to employees. Speaking of rice, you, too, tin relish healthier carbs at home with ane of the 25 Best Carbs for Weight Loss

Chipotle burrito

If you've noticed that Chipotle'southward service is shockingly consequent from state-to-state, or that their employees tend to have some similarities, that'due south not a coincidence. According to one former Chipotle kitchen managing director, the visitor seeks hires, whether in kitchen prep or the corporate office, with 13 cardinal characteristics, including curiosity, honesty, intelligence, and enthusiasm.

Chipotle baskets

Bussing your own table is crucial to keep your local Chipotle running similar clockwork. Employees are counting on customers tossing their trash at the stop of the repast and returning anything reusable. In fact, Chipotle even designs their stores with this in heed, putting trash cans by the exit so you won't forget.

Chipotle sign

Had a bad fourth dimension at a Chipotle? Don't be shy about telling them. In fact, one onetime kitchen manager reveals that Chipotle is in the addiction of sending gratuitous coupons to people who've had a negative experience in i of their stores.

Chopping vegetables

While much of Chipotle's food is prepped on-site by team members, those chopped veggies may exist the event of someone else's handiwork.

1 service manager reveals that the chain's peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce are now sent to stores pre-chopped, while the brand's barbacoa and carnitas are frequently prepped elsewhere, also. Pull a page from Chipotle'southward book and make your at-dwelling meals more user-friendly with these 25 Tips For Meal Prep!


If you're looking to save time on your trip to Chipotle, gild via app—everyone volition give thanks you lot, according to one employee. Using the Chipotle app for orders means that the luncheon and dinner rushes are cut down significantly for workers, and app orders mean that y'all go to cutting the entire line, pay for your food, and head out the door in seconds.

Chipotle burrito

Earlier you starting time going on most how you could wrap a burrito better than the employees at your local Chipotle, consider that they've had intense training in their technique. One former employee says that information technology took a full day to train new burrito assemblers, and that, in pursuit of perfection, each new burrito prepper will make hundreds of burritos before they serve one to a paying customer.

Chipotle burritos

While eating at Chipotle by and large isn't peachy for anyone trying to slim downwardly, if you're trying to shave a few calories off your meal, skip the tortilla. Ordering a burrito basin or salad instead will save you more than than 300 calories, recommends one Chipotle employee.


If yous want to ruin a Chipotle employee's day, order a quesarito, especially during the tiffin rush. "I remember the face of every fiend who ever ordered ane," says 1 former employee.

Another old employee claims that prepping the infamous quesarito means putting your hands in direct contact with cheese that has the approximate consistency and temperature of lava.


Simply 1 Chipotle margaritas is more than than plenty to requite you a fizz. One former Chipotle manager says that their store was inundated with complaints because customers were expecting something less potent.


Tired of having to shell out a few actress bucks for guacamole? Order the veggie burrito instead. While meat-based burritos, bowls, and tacos will incur a charge for guacamole, the greenish stuff is free on vegetarian orders, co-ordinate to employees.

Sick woman

While this should go without saying in any shop, reaching over the glass partition at Chipotle is not but annoying, but unsanitary for you and every other customer in line. Just considering the partition has infinite under it and isn't so tall that it's incommunicable to attain over doesn't mean you should start shoving your fingers past the glass—information technology is there for your safety, after all.

Chipotle taco

If you lot feel like your order is lacking, don't be afraid to ask for extra. One Chipotle employee says that many stores will give you some extra veggies, salsa, or rice without charging you—if you ask nicely, that is.

Chorizo burrito

If y'all don't enjoy how the ingredient-by-ingredient prep of your burrito winds upwards tasting, enquire an employee to mix the ingredients in a basin before they put it in the tortilla. While information technology is a more fourth dimension-consuming endeavour, employees admit that they're willing to do it when customers ask.

Chipotle condiments

In addition to their strict cleanliness standards, Chipotle is diligent about making certain yesterday's food doesn't cease upward on today'due south card. One former employee reveals that Chipotle weighs the remaining meat at the finish of the day and tosses information technology, keeping only a few veggie ingredients for more 24 hours.

Chipotle pico de gallo

If you want to keep the assembly line at Chipotle running smoothly, know which salsa you're ordering before y'all become to the stop of the counter. Chipotle has mild, medium, hot, and corn salsas—ordering "regular" salsa doesn't mean anything, according to ane employee. Salsa isn't the just mode to swallow salubrious at Chipotle—just check out our favorite good for you Mexican foods.

Chipotle tacos

If you lot desire the most bang for your cadet, steer clear of the tacos. Redditor KourageWolf reveals that tacos by and large contain about half the corporeality of meat, beans, and rice than y'all'd arrive a bowl or burrito, but you can always order taco shells on the side of a burrito bowl to get what's substantially a larger version of the same meal.

Chipotle burrito

If you want to brand the lives of Chipotle employees easier, brand sure that the red basket your burrito came in is stacked at the cease of your meal and doesn't stop up in the trash.

"Nothing fills me with murderous rage more than seeing a ruddy basket in the trash can," says i employee. "Whenever I run cash, I keep a decoy basket on top of each can to show people what to do, even so STILL I find at least two or 3 thrown away. In that location are probably untold amounts of baskets that I don't fifty-fifty see."

Chipotle CEO

Chipotle workers are beholden to more than just their customers and direct supervisors. Employees report Chipotle CEO Steve Ells checking in on their franchises and even sitting down for a meal.

Chipotle salad bowl

Chipotle's behind-the-scenes culture is often as sunny every bit the service you're getting at the counter. To brand meal prep more fun, employees report doing everything from psych-upwardly cheers to serenading the veggies before they prep them. "Would you believe me if I told you we sing to our onions before cutting them?" asks i employee. Nosotros guess we practise!

Chipotle meal

While many companies are ditching employee meals as a cost-cut measure, that isn't the case at Chipotle. Not but practice employees get 1 complimentary meal each day, including a side of chips and guacamole, employees get a 50 percent disbelieve on meals to have dwelling house.

Chipotle sign

Wiping down counters and fishing cherry-red baskets out of the trash are far from the but duties virtually Chipotle employees have to do at closing, so don't come up in at the last minute. Locations with outdoor seating often take simply a few employees to bring in every last piece of furniture at closing, then placing an order when the store is about to shut ways your local burrito expert isn't getting home until long afterward their shift is over.


Chipotle is invested in their employees both on and off the clock. Chipotle employees tin be eligible for upwardly to $v,250 in tuition reimbursement and some Chipotle preparation can count as college credit at Bellevue University, with which the company has partnered.

Diced chicken

If it seems like the portions of meat or guacamole you're being served are on the stingy side, you're not wrong. Chipotle employees are taught to be careful when serving the "critical seven," the seven ingredients that cost the most money to the company. This special designation is reserved for barbacoa, carnitas, chicken, steak, guacamole, cheese, and sour foam. Can't get enough Chipotle? Brand certain you've checked out Every Dish at Chipotle—Ranked! before you place your next order.


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