what does it meam to smell padre pio perfume

Some Saints possessed the gift that is known every bit�smell of sanctity�. The phenomenon is chosen osmogenesia. This gift allows somebody to perceive the Saint�s presence in the smell of personal perfumes. St.Pio has the gift of holy perfumes called odors of holiness, therefore; the people who were adjacent to him, could very often olfactory property his perfumes. The perfume ofttimes emanated from his body or from the objects that he touched or from his clothing. Sometimes the perfume was perceivable in the places through which he passed.

1 twenty-four hour period, a famous Doctor had removed a bandage from a sore on padre Pio�s chest. The gauzewas saturated with the claret and the doc had enclosed information technology in a container in order to bring the gauze to his laboratory. During the trip to Rome to analyze the gauze, an Officeholder and other people that were traveling with the dr. said �they smelled the perfume that usually emanated from padre Pio�. Non one of those persons knew that the doctor had the gauze soaked with the blood of St. Padre Pio in the container. The medico saved that gauze in his laboratory, and the strange perfume had stayed in the room for long fourth dimension, so that when the patients went to him for the medical visits, they asked him for an caption.

Friar Modestino said: �Once I was on vacation at St. Giovanni Rotondo. I went to Padre Pio in the sacristy that morning to serve the Holy Mass, but other monks were already arguing in the sacristy as to who would have this privilege. Padre Pio interrupted those discussions by maxim � �but he will serve the Holy Mass� - and he pointed me out!I accompanied Padre Pio to St. Francis altar, I closed the gate, and I started to serve the Holy Mass in profound awe. When the Mass got to the point of the �Sanctus� I suddenly had a desire to smell once again that indescribable perfume that I had already perceived when I had kissed Padre Pio�s mitt. The want was immediately granted me and information technology was like I was wooed past St. Pio�s perfume. The perfume increased more and more, so much and so that the perfume caused me to breathe irregularly. I leaned my hand on the communion rail so as non to fall! I was about to faint when I mentally asked Padre Pio to save me from embarrassment in front of the people. In that precise instant the perfume disappeared. In the evening, while I accompanied him to his room, I asked Padre Pio for an explanation about that miracle. He answered me: �My child, I am not able to explain information technology. �God intervenes to allow somebody to scent the perfume whenever He wants.�

From my pocket-sized window (I was on one side of the confessional) I saw that Padre Pio was hearing the confession of a lady on the other side. While I thought that I was going to fiore.gif (2499 byte) speak to the saint, I was wooed past a strong perfume of lilies. All the same, this really got me dislocated, considering I had never believed the stories of the perfumes, and and so I myself was convinced thatpadre Pio�s perfumes really existed.

A lady from Bologna, who was 24 years old, had her correct arm fractured. The same arm had been operated iii years prior considering of a serious accident. Subsequently an operation followed by a long painful recovery the surgeon told the daughter�southward father that she would non have use of the arm anymore. In fact the arm was completely immobile, considering of the removal of a section of the shoulder blade. A bone graft had not succeeded!�� Father and injured daughter departed for St. Giovanni Rotondo. Padre Pio met them, he blessed them and he declared: �Above all do not despair! Confide in God! The arm will recover.� Toward the end of July, 1930 the woman returned to Bologna without whatsoever improvement of her arm. Was it possible to think that Padre Pio had been wrong? For months nobody thought anymore of the trouble. On the 17th.of September (the celebration of the stigmata of St. Francis), all of a sudden, the flat where the family unit lived became scented by a succulent scent of jonquils and roses. The scented phenomenon lasted about a quarter of an hr while everybody tried to empathize where that perfume originated. From that mean solar day the daughter started to use her arm again. An X-Ray which she preserved jealously, showed that the os and the cartilage were completely fused and healed.

A man said: �1 day I decided to follow my wife�s suggestion to become meet Padre Pio. Information technology had been twenty-five years precisely from the twenty-four hours of my marriage since I had seen the within of a church. I felt my years of guilt weighing me down and I needed to confess my sins, but equally soon equally I was next to Padre Pio, he said brusquely (without looking at me): �Go abroad!�I answered: �I am hither to confess, that you may give me Jesus� absolution.�I had spoken roughly to him, but he roughly responded: �I have said: �Go away.� I went away running across the garden from the small Church building then onto the hotel. My wife, who had seen me exit of the Church, reached me at the hotel. �What has happened? What are you doing?� she questioned me.�I am packing my suitcase and I am leaving,� I answered.At that moment a deject of perfume wooed me. It was an intense perfume, marvellous to the senses. I was confused. It soothed me instantly and I felt inside me a great desire to return to Padre Pio. It took me a day to muster enough courage to return to the Padre.I prepared myself, carefully I examined my conscience before meeting the Padre who kindly welcomed me and gave me absolution I needed.�

A lady said: �My husband was in an automobile accident and was critically injured. He was transported to the hospital in Taranto, Italy. The doctors had no hope of his survival. On the infirmary grounds there was a shrine dedicated to Padre Pio.Before visiting my husband I would finish and pray to Padre Pio for my husband�s recovery. 1 twenty-four hours, as I stood there praying, the �Saintly� Pio smells, a marvellous perfume of lilies engulfed me.I took it as a sign that my prayer request had been heard. From that moment on, the condition of my husband improved and he healed from the injuries he sustained.�

A gentleman from Toronto said: �In 1947, my wife that fell seriously ill and was hospitalised in Rome, requiring surgery. I travelled to St. Giovanni, Rotondo to see Padre Pio.While I was at that place, the skilful Padre heard my confession.Afterward receiving the absolution, I talked to the Padre about my wife�s condition. Then I asked him: �Begetter, assist me to pray!� Immediately I smelled a succulent and persistent perfume that surprised me. I returned habitation in the late evening. Every bit soon every bit I opened the door, I smelled again that same odor that I had smelled when I was next to Male parent Pio. I became confident. My wife underwent the operation without any problems. I told her the marvellous feel that I had and together we thanked Padre Pio.�

A married couple in England were experiencing bug and were at a point of despair. They did not know where to turn to.Someone spoke to them nearly Padre Pio. They wrote to Padre Pio about their issues but did not receive any answer.They, and then decided to become to St. Giovanni Rotondo to meet the Padre and obtain his wise counsel. From England to Puglia (Italia), the journey was long! Moreover, information technology was in the eye of winter with snowy conditions prevailing.Despite the conditions, they embarked on their journey. They spent their first night in Bern in a lowly hotel for that was all they could afford.Doubts filled them once more. They wondered what they would do if the Padre did non receive them. Should they go along with their journeying or plow back. Every bit they were debating on their options, the room was filled with a sweet, exhilarant perfume,that had a very relaxing event on them. The adult female began to look for the source of the perfume and thought that some distracted traveller, before them had left a bottle of perfume in the room. The search for the perfume�south source was fruitless! Awhile later the perfume odor faded away and the room emanated the usual odour of a stench. The married couple shared their feel with the innkeeper. He was surprised as it was the first time that any of his clients believed to have smelled perfume in their room. The couple instead took it as a sign to continue with their journey to St. Giovanni Rotondo and to meet Padre Pio. When they got there, the young homo, who was well versed in Italian, spoke to the Padre in Italian:�We wrote to you lot, Father, but since yous have non answered us���What?� Padre Pio interrupted proverb: � Why do you tell me I did not answer you? Did yous not smell anything that evening in the Swiss hotel?� The ii lovers were joyful and full of thankfulness. They understood and then, the perfume that they had smelled in the room of the hotel, was the perfume of Padre Pio. With but a few words of counselling, Padre Pio helped them to resolve their problems.�

A gentleman met Father Pio through a series of foreign coincidences. He says: �The starting time time I heard somebody speak of this extraordinary religious man was after the state of war. A friend of mine knew the Padre well. He spoke enthusiastically of him. But I thought to myself his stories about the holy man were a flake much. So I must confess my initial reactions were indifference and atheism. This was especially true when my friend told me about diverse phenomena attributed to Padre Pio, especially the odour of perfumes. �Many people claim to discover an odour of perfume even when they are not whatsoever where nigh the sainted Friar.You can imagine my surprise when this started to happen to me. I would catch the odor of violets in unusual places, where fifty-fifty the hint of a bloom could non be found. I began to wonder most myself. I started to doubtfulness my senses. I even told myself I must be dreaming. �One day the phenomenon happened when I was on vacation with my wife. I had gone to the post office to post a letter. The postal service role in question did not ordinarily lace its air with perfume. I don�t know of any that practice. Only all all of a sudden I smelled the unmistakable odor of violets. Catching the smell, my wife said to me � Where is this odor of perfume coming from?� Excitedly, I asked her �Can you smell it too?� �And then I told my married woman about Padre Pio and almost the stories of unusual perfumed aromas surrounding his presence. These aromas could be detected even if one were at a distance from the good Padre. My wife was moved. She said to me: �If I were you lot, I would leave for San Giovanni Rotondo right abroad.� The nextsolar day, we were on our way. Nosotros met with Padre Pio and he said to me �Ah, here is our hero. How much effort I expended to get you hither.� That aforementioned mean solar day, I had a take chances to speak with Padre Pio personally. From that moment on, my life was changed.�

Some other person once remarked : �Some years agone, I had a heart attack. The doctors recommendedI undergo surgery to ameliorate my condition. Ientered the infirmary at once. It was in June 1991. During the surgery, the doctors did a quadruple featherbed. When I awoke from the anesthesia, my leg and correct arm were paralyzed . I was actually discouraged. After awhile, my faith returned and I began to pray to Padre Pio for help. I pleaded with him for three days. On the third day, as I was finishing my prayer, despite beingness surrounded past other patients, I noticed something significant. I caught a whiff of an overwhelming aroma of flowers. When the perfumed aroma faded, I felt a sensation in my right leg. I knew at once my prayers had been answered.�

A woman tells this story: �I had smashing problems with both of my eyes. I experienced pain and could run into very trivial. I consulted several doctors and after several examinations, they gave me the diagnosis: irreversible ocular hemorrhage. They addedthere was a probably a tumor present also. To brand matters worse, the doctors told methis form of incomprehension was final. There was no cure. �Upon hearing this bad news, I became very depressed and anxious. I was on a trip and I knew I would be passing shut to Benevento. So I decided to get every bit far as Pietreicina, where I would have an opportunity to visit Padre Pio�due south monastery. During my visit to one of the last rooms where St. Pio had lived, I was deeply moved. I had been praying for my relatives and all suddenly, caught the scent of an intense burst of incense. �While I was returning to Rome by train, I thought a lot about what had happened in that room in Padre Pio�s monastery�� I decided to plead with Padre Pio to heal my damaged eyes. I turned to him with as much faith every bit I could muster. Padre Pio didn�ttake long to hear my prayers. In fact, my sight progressively improved and before too long, I was totally healed. The doctors who examined me later could not believe I was completely and inexplicably recovered.�

A human being from Canicatti (Sicily, Italy) tells this story �At the starting time of 1953, my wife was significant. The trouble was she also had a serious kidney problem. The doctors told her that because of this kidney problem, �the child�s life was in danger.� Any surgery performed to correct this trouble had to succeed, or else. On May tertiary, I was drastic. I wrote a letter of the alphabet to Padre Pio asking for his aid. A few days afterward, my wife and I were in different rooms, yet at the aforementioned time, we both smelled a mysterious odour of roses. At that precise moment, the mail carrier knocked on our door and delivered a letter to the states from the monastery of St. Giovanni Rotondo. We read that Padre Pio would pray for my wife and our unborn kid. The side by side day, my wife underwent another medical test and nosotros were told by the examining physician the kidney ailment had disappeared.�

A lawyer who was very devoted to Begetter Pio says:�In one case I was in the old church in the monastery attention i of Padre Pio�s long Masses. At the moment of the consecration of the Sacred Host, I became distracted. I was the only person continuing in the middle of the crowd of believers who were all kneeling. Suddenly, I was overwhelmedby a powerful smell of violets. The scent was so strong it jolted me back to the nowadays moment. Looking around me, I knelt downward without thinking anything about the unusual perfume that hovered above me. Equally was my custom, after the Mass was over, I went to greet Padre Pio. He welcomed me saying �Were you a little disoriented today?� I sheepishly said �Yes, Padre. I accept been a fleck absent today, only fortunately, your perfume woke me up.� He said simply.: �For you, perfume is not necessary. For you, slaps are necessary.��

Monk Ludovico of St. Giovanni Rotondo said that "Padre Pio left a wake of perfume, when he passed for the several places of the convent.

Male parent Fred said: "Sometimes, if y'all wanted to know where Padre Pio was, information technology was plenty to follow the wake of the perfume.

Mr. Peter says: "One day I was travelling past car and I was running very fast. All of a sudden I felt a wave of perfume. I remembered one day I had asked the pregnant of that phenomenon to the Saint and Padre Pio told me: "My child, when you feel the perfume, be conscientious". In that instant I stop running just I could not avert to have a crash with the car. All the same I didn't have whatever damages to myself.


Source: https://www.padrepio.catholicwebservices.com/ENGLISH/Perf.htm

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